Walk the Talk Visits Central Australian Aboriginal Congress

Walk the Talk Visits Central Australian Aboriginal Congress

Short way down the road and I’ve arrived at Central Australian Aboriginal Congress.

Central Australian Aboriginal Congress (CAAC) is the largest Aboriginal community-controlled health organisation (ACCHO) in the Northern Territory and provides services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living in and near Alice Springs, including five remote communities; Amoonguna, Ntaria (and Wallace Rockhole), Santa Teresa, Utju (Areyonga) and Mutitjulu.

CAAC services a number of clinics which provide a comprehensive range of culturally appropriate services and programs providing a wide range of general practice, allied health including podiatry, optometry, audiology, and dental, as well as mental and emotional health and well-being and child and family programs. Many clinics offer a transport program and remote visits as well.

CAAC is also involved in advocacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health issues particularly the Close the Gap initiative.

To find one of CAAC’s clinics or learn more about what they’re doing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, go to their website: https://www.caac.org.au/


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