Walk the Talk Stops By CAAPS Aboriginal Corporation

Walk the Talk Stops By CAAPS Aboriginal Corporation

While in Darwin I stopped by CAAPS Aboriginal Corporation.

CAAPS is a community controlled Aboriginal Corporation that supports people and families through services that reflect our values of caring, openness, respect and empowerment. The provide a number of health-related services to the community, including:

  • an alcohol and other drug (AOD) 12 Week Residential Program focused on providing individuals and families a range of education sessions and activities that cover substance use, healthy lifestyles, livelihood, cultural sessions, trauma and healing, and family relationships including parenting. In addition to this, participants of the program have access to onsite counselling, specialist counselling, peer support groups, housing and livelihood support;
  • a Family Support Service to support and assist families to keep their children safe, reunify children in care with their birth family and support pregnant mothers to grow up healthy and safe children;
  • youth services, including psychoeducation sessions, numeracy and literacy training and life skills sessions such as health, hygiene and nutrition, plus a variety of sport and recreational activities;

as well as a range of other services.

To find out more about their great work, visit their website:


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