Walk the Talk Arrives at Darwin Indigenous Men’s Service

Walk the Talk Arrives at Darwin Indigenous Men’s Service

Just down the road and I’ve stopped in at Darwin Indigenous Men’s Service (DIMS).

DIMS was established in 2005 as a Family Violence Prevention and Healing program under Darwin Aboriginal & Islander Women’s Shelter (DAIWS), and became independent in 2017. They provide a number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men’s programs to improve men’s social and emotional wellbeing and prevent family violence from occurring and re-occurring.

Their services include:

  • Indigenous Family Violence Prevention and Healing program – providing individual mentoring, family violence counselling and education programs and healing activities for Indigenous men;
  • Indigenous Men’s Healing program – providing mentoring, men’s Groups, yarning circles, cultural and healing activities, and leadership workshops for Indigenous men; and
  • Strong Men Strong Communities program – providing support, mentoring, case-management, leadership, cultural and healing workshop camps and activities to Indigenous men living in Darwin and town communities.

Find out more about their great services at: https://www.dims.org.au/


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