Current Location:Eighty Mile Beach, WA
Last Stop:Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service, Broome, WA
Next Stop:Wirraka Maya Health Service, South Hedland, WA
Total Steps Since Starting:2,751,738
Average Steps/Day:10,230
Virtual Distance to Next Stop:326.8 km
Total Virtual Distance Covered:13,758.7 km

This map displays the places I plan to visit on the tour. This map is likely to change as the year goes on and more places become known or get suggested. My hope is to visit all of them within the year.

Red markers indicate places I’ve been.

Yellow markers indicate where I’m heading to next.

Black markers indicate places I plan to visit.

The little Orange guy is me!

You might need to zoom in quite a bit to see exactly where I am and where I’m going.

If you think there’s somewhere related to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander health I need to include, let me know!